The only person that stands in front of ourselves is ourselves, in order to come to core self, we need to remove the layers we have so religiously built over the years, safely allowing us to arrive to our soul nature, confidently grounded in our own truth.
Lana (Soul Nature Yoga)
Plan your practice
We offer weekly group classes in our in-house studio as well as private classes especially tailored to your personal needs for healing and recovery. We have extended knowledge and practice through thoroughly designing classes to help and sustain issues such as: headache, neck ache, upper back body, lower back body, hips, knees, insomnia, body tension.
Contact us for class schedule or any other enquiries.
Private session with student in her 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
Private classes at your villa
Book your yoga class
You can be a total beginner or and advanced practitioner that would like to have your private class safely guided by your teacher at your premisses in the beautiful setting of your accommodation. We are available for individual and group sessions.
We are available within Heraklion district, Crete, Greece.
Equipment provided.
You can contact us directly through WhatsApp, by pressing the button below.
We are here to support you at any part of your journey

Receive gentle guidance and support
With our ONLINE classes at the premises of your home.
If you can’t not attend classes live or living in other city or country but you feel that we are your right fit on your personal journey, whether you are starting yoga, been practicing for a while, want to work with different styles, deepen your philosophy, more holistic approach to your life style, strengthen, release or address a certain issue we are here to accommodate your needs. You can book a call with us and see if we are the best fit for you on your yoga journey.
Upcoming Events
21 - 27 September
Tuscany, Italy
In the heart of Tuscany, in the Autumn Equinox, we will gather at the beautiful set up among hypnotising nature, to reconnect, ground and transition into the new season.

9- 15 February, 2024
Goa, India
February sun, end of winter month, escaping to sunny Goa, with like minded women celebrating life, practice and love. A unique experience, running this retreat with beautiful Paula and Saabut as a holistic event planner. To find out more, click the button below.